
Pension Fears

By Margaret H. Johnson A friend of mine just told me a horrifying story. His daughter has been on a disability pension for less than a year and she’s already been cut off once for missing an appointment with a doctor because she could not arrange for babysitting for her two young children, both under…


Living through the “Golden Years” Financially Free

Everyone dreams of financial freedom, whether that means early retirement, a worry-free retirement or simply enjoying working while being free from debt and able to afford life’s pleasures and adventures. Take the steps toward becoming financially free by applying these top ten money saving tips to your everyday life, and read our guide on budgeting.


Pooled Pension Plans

Back in the day, people would often spend their entire career working for one company, and retire with the company’s pension plan. These days, only government employees and those who work for large corporations generally receive a pension, while the rest who work for smaller companies or are self-employed must rely on their own savings…